LG Osprey Tracking Page

I see you've just updated this page - presumably in anticipation of tracking this year's chicks, which unfortunately won't happen because it wasn't possible to tag them! 


I've noticed the "colour coding" for the previous years' birds has gone awry, compared with the colours which have been used on Google Earth and in the previous version of this page: 

If you select the Mallachie button, the correct route is shown but the colour (of the button and the route) should be MAUVE.

If you select the Rothes button, the correct route is shown but the colour should be GREEN

 If you select the Nethy button, the correct route is shown but the colour should be BLUE

If you select the Deshar button, the correct route is shown but the colour should be RED

Thank you!


  • An afterthought - to Katie Fuller

    While I completely understand why you want to promote the use of the Loch Garten forum, it isn't at all well signposted within the site.

    For example, there are no links to the LG Forum from:

    • this Tracking page
    • The LG live and still webcam pages 
    • The Loch Garten reserve home page  

    Link to LG forum....


  • Any more word on the old lady Osprey that was sick a few weeks back?

    Is she still going strong?



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Hi Al

    That was at Loch of the Lowes, not Loch Garten. She made a seemingly miraculous recovery and has looked after the chicks to fledging. There are doubts over whether she can successfully migrate again though.  

    On the RSPB forum, the latest reports are here:



  • OK and thankyou very much Sue C



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/07/2010 09:02 in reply to Sue C

    Hi Sue

    Well said and well mentioned

    Glad to hear the Ospreys at Loch Lowes are fine now and long may that last1

    Such a heart wrenching time when things went a bit all over the place

    Dave and I will be going to Rutand next weekend to meet a couple of other Forum people and they said to us that we may or may not see the Ospreys due the the fact their chicks will have fledged npw

    So fingers crossed that we do see them


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Kathy

    You should be OK at Rutland - the chicks on the Manton Bay nest, which is the one you can see from the hides, are younger than those at Loch Garten and Loch of Lowes and should be fledging towards the end of this week. I myself am going in 2 weeks, when they should be flying around but returning to the nest. 

    This is the Manton Bay webcam:


    Latest news is either on Twitter - linked from News page - or on the Reserve Diary page.    

    This has turned into a general osprey enquiry thread - how did that happen? I have recently started a thread in the Loch Garten forum called "Osprey Q & A" as a home for these kind  of questions, so if anyone else has Osprey-related questions, please come over to the LG Forum and if you can't see a thread there which will help, post your question in "Q & A". 



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/07/2010 14:37 in reply to Sue C

    Hi Sue

    Thank you for your kind, supportive answer to my post.

    So looking forward to going to Rutland now and I will pass on what was said here to my friends as they thought the chicks would have fledged and not been around much - but that is bird watching for you!

    I will consider coming across to your thread about Loch Garton - as I have visited the Ospreys there but a long time ago now.  It will bring a lot of memories back about them.

    Thank you for you link and your help


    Kathy and Dave

  • As I can see Katie is online this afternoon, just a reminder that I'm still seeking a reply to my original posts of 14th and 16th July.

    Many thanks, Sue

  • Another attempt at getting a reply from the web team, to my original queries of 14th & 16th July .................

  • Hi SueC,

    Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the slow response, the team, Katie included, have been really busy here.

    It’s not a case that the colours are wrong as such, they’ve just been changed on the tracking page. It was in anticipation of tracking this year's chicks, and it's a shame for everyone we can't do that this year.

    The map still shows the route and the keys match up to the correct bird, so we hope that there should be no confusion over which route corresponds with which bird, even with changed colours. You're right that it now doesn't match Google earth, or previous versions of the tracking page, but that's something which we're going to have to live with for the time being at least I'm afraid.

    As for the linking, perhaps it should be linked off more places, this is something we can look into. It’s still our most popular group, so people are clearly finding it.

    I hope that’s helpful, and I apologise again for the slow response to your queries.


    For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.