Copyright can be a bit of a tricky issue, so I thought I would take the opportunity to post the following to help. Our terms and conditions state:‘Please don't pass off other people’s text/images etc. as your own. Any contribution must be your own work; it must not infringe the rights of third parties including copyright, trade mark, trade secrets, privacy, publicity, personal or proprietary rights, or covered by a public access or creative commons licence.
You are welcome to attach your own images or photographs, but files may be modified or removed if there are technical or legal reasons for doing so. By uploading a file, you agree to others making a copy of that file for personal use.’
1) It is OK to embed a music video from YouTube. HOWEVER, you should not embed videos from YouTube, which breach copyright.
So what videos breach copyright?IMPORTANT: There will be some videos on YouTube that have been uploaded by artists or record labels which do have permission and these are ok to use, but please be aware that most people who upload music WON'T!.
By posting a video onto our site where permission has not been given by the artist or record label you would be breaching copyright.
2) It is OK to upload other people’s photos/images/clipart AS LONG AS the work is covered by a ‘Creative Commons’ license, otherwise to post it would be a breach of copyright.
Yes, the work has a Creative Commons license, what next?IMPORTANT: If permission has been granted to use that image, then you may post it on our site.
3) It is NOT OK to just copy other people’s work from the internet and use it WITHOUT permission. If you want to show other people an image you have found, then you should simply link to the website where it was originally uploaded by the person who has copyright.IMPORTANT: Simply by posting an image and then adding 'Photo by xxx', does not mean that consent has been used to use it.