Advice on Cookies

Hello ,

I heard on the news yesterday about the change in cookies on the website.  Does this mean we should not click on the accept button, if a certain piece of data has to be stored.


  • As I understand it cookies are safe. They are mostly used for things like remembering you to save you logging in to a site each time you visit it , and things like that. Of course they are also used to track what sort of things you are interested in so they can tailor advertising to your interests. Since advertising pays for most of the sites I visit I'm happy to put up with them. Without cookies you'll still get just as much advertising , it just won't be relevant to your interests or past purchases.  Since we have to have advertising , I'd rather those ads be of interest to me than not. In some cases you'll have to choose between accepting cookies or being denied access to the site. That's your choice.

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  • Thank's for the advice Galatas,as I have noticed it on so,e websites.
