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Welcome to the new look community site!

Welcome back everyone, the site upgrade has so far been successful and we have brought it back online early! Hopefully you will all be able to have a good look round and get a feel for the new layout.

When you get to the Community home page you will notice the blue bar along the top, most categories on this have drop down menus which will lead you to the various forums and blogs related to the specific topics. All of the original content will still be accessible but you may notice a few things have been moved around and will look slightly different. We will be explaining these changes as we go over the next few days.

Feel free to post away and we hope that you will enjoy using the new site!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Hi TJ

    Still finding my way around the new layout. One thing about the Home tag, if you click on the RSPB logo it takes you to the home page.

    I found the screen a little small so went to "View/Zoom/Custom" on the main internet explorer bar and increased to 110%.

    I'm sure we will find ways to resolve most of the problems.


  • I have had a search around the new format, and so far I am uncertain it is an improvement. For instance, the old format allowed you to instantly see all the latest posts, for all the groups. How do you do this on the new site?

    Also, where is the tea room?

    There are 9000 species of bird on earth. Let's keep it that way.

  • Ok thanks doggie, found the tea room now. Sorry to be a pest, but how do I get to the Community page without having to click on your link?

    Also where do you post birds you have seen away from from your garden that you want identifying?

    There are 9000 species of bird on earth. Let's keep it that way.

  • A B said:

    Ok thanks doggie, found the tea room now. Sorry to be a pest, but how do I get to the Community page without having to click on your link?

    Also where do you post birds you have seen away from from your garden that you want identifying?

    To get back to the community page just click the big "Community" at the top left of the screen.

    The ID section is under Wildlife > Ask A question > Forums > Identify this!


    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks Doggie & KatTai. It's a bit like playing one of those adventure computer games. I never liked those either LOL. I am sure I will get used to the new look in time.

    There are 9000 species of bird on earth. Let's keep it that way.