Can anybody help with how to add wording under a photos

I have not sussed this out yet

  • I assume you'd like to add photos to a thread with narrative in-between individual shots?

    I do this by adding my photos one at a time.

    Start your new thread and then start with whatever you want to say to begin with.

    Then hit 'enter' to put your cursor on a new line.

    Add your photo as follows:

    Open the drop down menu to select where you will upload from (in this case, a file from my PC).

    To show larger images within your thread, change the setting in the boxes to 600 in the first box, then clear the second box so that it's empty.

    Then select 'browse' to navigate to wherever on your device that you want to upload the photo from.

    Select your photo, then wait until it loads up.

    Select 'ok' once the upload is complete.

    Then, once again hit 'enter' to put your cursor on a new line. Type whatever it is you want to say, and then hit 'enter' again to put your cursor on a new line.

    Add another photo as described, but always remember to hit 'enter' to move the cursor to a new line before adding text or another photo.

    Hope this helps.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Many thanks Paul the photos I had no problem with, it was just the paragraph underneath the photo that I couldn’t do, so thank you for your help it is much appreciated.
  • Just done a practice Paul it worked thank you once again
  • Thanks Paul

    Bookmarked..........  as like Alan and others in the past,who have made threads 'How to Post...Photos, we appear to being asked for help on a regular basis.So will keep this one handy to quote..

    Incidentally as Clare mentioned the other day,if you Clear,and leave the 'Dimensions boxes BOTH empty, it will post large pics.


  • I've also updated the Getting off Auto index thread.  That included a link to Alan's original "How to Upload" thread, so I've added this one to it


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index