St Pauls Park Bristol - confused about birdsong.

We have large cedar, oak, elm and fir trees in the garden and in the park. After some time I realized I've never lived among so many birds before and I started feeding them in December and haven't stopped. A month or two ago, I played the RSPB website audio recordings of magpies, great/blue tits, blackbirds and robins loudly from my window, they all came and watched, the magpies especially. Since then the tits, robins and magpies interact with me, the robins probably the most bold outside and when I'm inches from my window sill, mapgies and tits will fly to the seed there. Two winters ago, my neighbour had the small birds coming into her house and eating. I'm confused about the doves. There are wood pigeons, feral pigeons and possibly rock? doves and birds which look like racing pigeons, a few with white/cinnamon markings occasionally. However the predominant sound I can hear all the time is identical to the "Collared Dove" recording. The Wood pigeons and the blackbirds don't seem to leave the ground, whereas the other birds all come to the window sill. What I wondered is, does my interaction with magpies affect the tits and robins in any way. I also wondered what is the Robin trying to say when he sings to me before eating. The magpies just seem to sit there and watch the pigeons grab the seed first from my window sill. I also put fatballs in a cage in the garden. If it's not the pigeons it's the squirrels, but tits and magpies do come to the window, but only twice when I was right behind the glass. I'm secretly hoping to have all-singing, all-dancing youtube magpie stars... The other thing that confuses me is where the birds are nesting. Some are nesting in our gutters in full view of the crows in the next street. Two pigeons seem to like our bin room. Can't find the tits or magpie nests, but guessed the maggies might be in the fir tree. Can't determine if they're great or blue tits, also with the small brown birds, I'm finding it impossible to tell. I thought one was a wren, but apparently might be a finch. I'm a photographer but I only have portrait lenses, I hope in future to be able to bring you some good shots.