Netting to protect plants which is plant friendly

I am planting vegetables in the garden and need to protect my seeds from birds. I have been advised that the best way to do this is use netting. However I am concerned that birds may become harmed by the netting. Please can you advice if there is specific netting or alternatives I should be using. Thank you
  • Hi, My only experience of netting was abour 20 years ago & we put some over our strawberries. however a day or so later we found a Blackbird caught up in it & spent some time unravelling it. Luckily the Blackbird was OK, but we have never used it since. So it's a good question to ask & maybe there is something suitable but I have my doubts. 

    Ron runs a string down the line of his seed rows, but I think that's against the cat more than birds. You could try some other deterrant like a Scarecrow or plastic bottle halves on the top of sticks, or putting out sunflower seeds for the birds.......

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France