disturbed robins nest what to do?

Hi all, I have just signed up to the forum, as sadly, literally mins ago! I disturbed a robins nest in my garden. I did not know it was there, I have been working on my bike all day and have been up and down the garden. when returning al the tool back in to the shed, there was a small ball, I flicked it up using my feet and uncontrollably it jeered of into a small strip of ivy bush, which runs from the floor to the top of my fence. as the ball bounced back the robin darted out. I instantly started to panic as to why the robin was in the strip of ivy, upon travelling up to the top of the garden to throw away some junk, I took a quick glimpse in the bush, and my worst fear had come true! upon glimpsing in walking past I noticed a small nest with a few eggs in there! when walking up the garden noticed she was sitting on the opposite fence and flew off! I love wildlife and bird the most out of all. am I to worry? will she be back? will the eggs be OK? I am sitting looking out the window now and have not noticed her return...? :( if any one could get back to me with some advice this would be great to put my mind at ease. Thanks lali.