Thanks to Tee Jay for his help.

Thanks for all your help Tee jay see the Yeadon tarn post, I tried several times

to post pictures, I had just about given up, when I last posted, then when I went

to post it, I got the icons up, as a result I could post as many pictures as I wanted

Thanks again, my regards Ian

  •       Anyone having trouble posting pictures, follow the thread by tee jay it has been most helpful. The only thing I did was to resize my pictures first, to 550x1200

  • Glad I was able to help, Ian. This forum can be a bit of a nightmare until you get used to it.

    Really nice photos. I love the Goosander presumably vocalising.

    Incidentally, I don't normally change the dimensions of my photos except for cropping purposes but it is advisable to reduce the megapixels to 2Mp or smaller otherwise they may not load.



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