Newbie Seeks Advice Winter Feeding Birds

Hi Everyone, newbie to the forum looking for advice regarding winter feeding for the birds; can anyone advise which month I should start to re introduce the fat balls and nuts ,etc which I usually put out all year round.I continue to put out fat balls all year round but have had to throw out the fat balls,nuts and peckish logs as the birds are not eating them at the moment and the foods went off surprisingly :i feed the birds all year round and feed them no mess seed , fat balls, nuts, suet filled coconuts, fat feast/s sometimes berry flavour ,sometimes insect, peckish logs with insects and mealworms. The birds are not eating as much just now as they usually do and have even left some mealworms which is unusual I get a variety of birds to my garden including pheasants and ducks although this year very few ducks visited but last year (spring) I had loads visit. I don,t want to waste food and just wondered which month in winter I should start to feed the fat balls ,etc again ?Many thanks ,Mandy
  • Hello Mandy and welcome to the Community

    It's the same in my garden. There are very few birds coming to the feeders at the moment. All I've got out are sunflower hearts and some fat balls in a wire mesh feeder.

    I think there's so much natural food in the countryside and the weather has been so warm that the birds don't need our supplements.

    I don't think it's possible to give a specific month when to increase the food supplies. I would judge it by the weather. When it turns cold gradually increase food supplies. The birds will let you know by how quickly the food disappears.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi Mandy and a warm welcome to the Community from me too;   as TeeJay says as the weather gradually gets colder the garden birds will be seeking more food and venturing back into the garden;  as its been quite a mild autumn with plenty of berries for the picking, the birds have been less active in our gardens but give it another month and a dip below 10 degrees and you'll hopefully see them flocking back in and enjoying the seeds/fat you put out.   In winter months I supplement expensive bird food with home made raw pastry:   plain flour (cheapest brand), lard, handful of grated mild cheddar cheese (again cheapest brand) to which you can throw in a handful of seeds or suet pellets or even kibbled peanuts and bind with just enough water to bring the pastry together - not too sticky.  I the break off bits of the raw pastry to place on twigs or shrubs and put the rest of the pastry into a fat ball feeder.  Most birds love the raw cheese pastry and it cuts down the food bill !!   good luck, enjoy the birds.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hello Mandy and a warm welcome from me up in Caithness, the very far north of Scotland. Enjoy here, lovely people, great photos and lots of help if you need it. As has been said you will soon see more birds arriving as the weather changes. The pastry is a favourite, quick and easy to make, they love it. Happy birding.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hello Mandy, welcome to the community, it is the same in Essex only some birds come in the it is still mild.  They will come to your garden  soon.
