Identifying a garden bird.

I keep hearing a bird in my garden but I don't know what it is!   It makes a repetitious and fairly loud "peep peep" sound, with about two seconds between each note. It sounds a bit like a hinge or wheel bearing that needs oiling.    Does anyone know what it might be?

  • Hi Emson

    As a first guess I would suggest Dunnock. They don't sing at this time of year but they are making a contact call all the time. I hear them in my garden.

    Have a listen to this to see if it fits.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Yes that's it!  I actually saw one on the day of the last Big Garden Bird Watch. They are very furtive so it is not surprising that I usually hear it rather than see it. Thanks again.

  • We have one that I call Mr Squeaky - just sits on his favourite perch and squeaks for upto 2 hours without pause.

    "Let loose the Kraken!"