lakenheath site, blogs/emails

Just received 60 repetitive emails on same subject of photographers, hide and related probs from Lakenheath forum. Whats happening?
  • If you don't want to receive email notifications when people post in the community group/s to which you belong, you can turn them off in your account settings.

    One of the two threads you're referring to was originally about conduct in a hide at Lakenheath. Hide etiquette is always a popular talking point so lots of people weighed in... and in the course of the discussion it went off topic somewhat.

    Not sure why the other one (about dedicated photography hides, of which there are none at Lakenheath) was started within the Lakenheath Fen forum rather than one of the general discussion forums, you'd have to ask the person who started it.

  • Hi Aiki,

    Wasn't complaining about the forum.  Just that I received notification duplicate emails in large quantities.  The subject matter was interesting but I didn't need to receive many same/identical email as many as 10 copies. There was some technical hitch somewhere. Anywaz all resolved and in the past now.  Should have explained myself better.

    You take care.