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Technical issues: Are any fundamental things still not working?

This thread is for things on the community that don't work. This does not include formatting, so if there are issues with the lay out, colours or fonts please see our 'Requests for new features' thread.   

  • My Bookmarks seem to be working ok this evening. So maybe i'm just lucky!



  • Unknown said:
    Hazel, You need to report it via the "Survey",

          Have done Bob, thanks for advice.     I tried opening Bookmarks in Firefox, Chrome and IE,  have even gone as far as deleting cache, cookies, etc.,  to see if that was causing the problem and all I get is :  An error occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator.         I have since filed a survey report as you did  :)


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi-  it just took 3 minutes to get me in after password-   so I filled in the survey


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Bookmarks still not working,


  • I've filled the survey in once. I often wonder if any of the RSPB staff take any notice of any of the complaints made by members of this forum.



  • I wonder if anyone ever takes any notice of the problems and complaints by members of this forum Bob.



  • For what its worth, I do!

  • Hi Bob,

    My team are looking at a number of performance issues.

    Bookmarks and friends list are two in particular.

    I will update the community within the next two weeks with any progress.


  • Hi Bob,

    We are looking into a number of performance areas within the community to alleviate the issues. Particularly friends and bookmarks. I hope to update you within two weeks with further information.

    I won't be posting a full functional list nor a timeline for the web revamp project nor the roadmap for improving the community functionality as it's always subject to change as the needs of the organisation, the resource available and capacity to deliver fluctuate.

    The website revamp project still continues, it's progressing well and you'll notice significant changes to the RSPB website in 2015.

    We have your list of requested functionality, they'll be considered when the website revamp project looks at the community section.

    I have always said, and continue to maintain the standpoint that we're limited on resource and budget and as custodians of members' money have a duty to use our resource and budget to areas we feel will best serve our primary purpose of saving nature. It's therefore difficult to maintain a full day to day communication of every issue and every resolution.

    The survey isn't a black hole, it allows us to keep a log and track issues and our intended resolutions. However, budget and resource sometimes dictates that we can't resolve the issues immediately.

    I will feedback on the two main issues of bookmarks and friends lists in the next two weeks.



  • Hi Bob,

    At no time have I said the community comes last, I've not stated any priority to any of the website redevelopment work.

    Our approach is one that will ensure a continuously improving roadmap, with an up to date set of technology and user experience. In order to do that we need to ensure that both the strategy and technology are aligned to meet the ever changing digital need.

    It's a pragmatic, measured and proactive approach that we're taking, rather than a re-active one that would undoubtedly lead to "an outdated system".

    As I have said, we're looking at the bookmark and friends list I will post an update in two weeks. There's not an awful lot more I can add.
