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Technical issues: Are any fundamental things still not working?

This thread is for things on the community that don't work. This does not include formatting, so if there are issues with the lay out, colours or fonts please see our 'Requests for new features' thread.   

  • Hi-  I can't access my profile / recent activity


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • It's still there SMA - just had a look!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hazel b said:

    Not sure how real this problem is but it seems to have cropped up twice recently.

    If you edit a post twice in fairly quick succession you get presented with the original version of the post rather than the edited version. This can be somewhat confusing.

    This has happened to me twice in the last 25 hours. 

    This problem is still around. This morning I did an edit and then needed to edit again and found that the version presented was the original version rather than the edited one.

  • This happened to me also,  twice on the last couple of evenings TM!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Maybe I've missed something having been away in West Wales for a couple of days but now whenever I try to post a photo in says 'uploaded' but it also says 'an error occurred' and in fact the photo hasn't uploaded. I also noticed that 'Bob'sRetiredNow' said that he was unable to upload his photos. Since the update last year I have learned to prep my photos by halving their file size to get them to load and although it sometimes needs work-arounds to load multiple images it has worked eventually. Now I've cleaned the caches and tried two different browsers to no avail. Can you tell me what's wrong? Thanks.

  • It's being looked in to


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • The ability to upload pics is,at the mo, unavailable to us all! I managed one by linking to my website.I think you can download from flickr or link to an account there.

  • I have now been unable to upload any images at all since yesterday morning.  Somehow I doubt I'm the only one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Im unable to get access into any of my bookmarked threads, some I've bookmarked because there are videos of birds I particularly like to watch from time to time. I can't access them on my IPad or Laptop Computer.



  • I could not get into my bookmarks, only a message telling me of an error.
