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Technical issues: Are any fundamental things still not working?

This thread is for things on the community that don't work. This does not include formatting, so if there are issues with the lay out, colours or fonts please see our 'Requests for new features' thread.   

  • Time for a quick update.

    1  When I try to use Rich Formatting I frequently get a blank page - this has been happening only relatively recently.

    2  My Friends list is still gobbledegook, though I can sometimes view it via Bookmarks - at other times I just get told it's not available.

    3  I still can't accept Friend requests unless I go through my email.

    4  I regularly get a complete absence of a reply box on every thread I go into, whether I'm a group member or not.

    5  I'm still getting error messages on a large percentage of pictures that I post - and they are all screen captures.  I haven't tried photos for some time as they take a lot longer, even when I reduce them in MB's.

    6  Navigating the Community is hopelessly slow, even at quiet times of day (or night).

    I think that's all for now.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I would now like to add that I have twice tried to send a private message this morning - each time I have received it myself!!  I don't know whether the addressee has received it as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare IHave given up on  it is what It Is

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hi Everyone, Has anyone else had this problem?  It is only a minor issue, but annoying nonetheless.  My notifications are suddenly misbehaving.  I had 5 notifications when I visited the Community tonight.  Having clicked on one and read it, I went back to the notifications box which said I now had 4.  Fair enough so far, but the thread I had just been on was still listed and one of the other 4 was missing from the list.  Sadly I cannot recall which thread was missing (ageing short term memory--LOL!).  I clicked on another notification and suddenly the total left to read was 2 when it should have said 3!  Apologies if I have not responded to any comments as a result.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • These problems seem to go on for ever and I don't suppose they will ever get fixed!!

    The latest problem I find now, is if I'm having a look at details of any members past posts, they now seem to just continue saying the word  loading continuishly all the time without showing more than 1 or 2 posts by a member and I've had this problem on my Apple iPad. I don't know if it's working ok on a standard computer

    I don't think the RSPB Technicians are giving this forum enough support and the problems have been going on it seems for eternity and they probably will.



  • Unknown said:
    I don't think the RSPB Technicians are giving this forum enough support and the problems have been going on it seems for eternity and they probably will.

    I do get the feeling that the forum is done sort of as and when the technicians have the time which I suppose makes sense as it is not part of the mainstay working of the Society and is just a contact point for a good number of us.It  must raise quite a lot of interest in the work of the RSPB judging by the number of users,it would be interesting to know how many new members are raised by contact with the forum,it is also a good spot for us regulars to have a good moan, I do find it quite workable most of the time but there again I am used to computers that only work when they want to having being trained in the '80's on the old D.O.S. systems where you had to get a head of steam up for it to work at all.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Hello,

    We realise there hasn't been much communication on these issues, so apologies for that. We are currently looking for the best long-term solutions to the persistent problems that come up. The most urgent concerns have been raised with the relevant people but please understand that the community is only one of a number of channels our small team has to attend to.

    To help our technical staff, we have set up a survey which will help get the most useful info together. We'd really appreciate if you could fill this in whenever you have a problem:

    Thanks for your patience,


  • Thanks Maurice, I've just filled in the survey!



  • I thought that at first BW but then went back & realised that box #1 was expandable so just put more info there ... 'please or offend!!' Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Box 1 clearly needs to be altered so that it is obvious that you can type more than a few words.If the word 'next' appears it implies that there is more to be done not simply that you are going to 'Post' the message.