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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • My interpretation of Ben's comment is that the supplier has stated the functionality you're suggesting is turned off will have a negligible impact on performance, whilst adding memory will have maximum - hence they need to try that first.  Presumably it isn't a feature which is configurable (ie you can switch it on and off at will) but require code changes (with an associated longer lead time)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • I too was dismayed by that comment, not only by its content (there may not be an impact on performance but it DOES take a significant number of posts off that important front page) but by its implied attitude of "you don't like it? Tough."

    This whole episode is a story of rank bad customer service, from the supplier to the RSPB AND from the RSPB to its members. How can they hope to 'widen user appeal' when the things they are doing to attract new visitors is also driving away the established, core user base?

    Some very bad decisions have been and are being taken here, and it's high time the people making them came out from hiding behind the poor Moderators. If this is the way Senior Management behaves it makes me begin to question whether I want to be associated with the organisation at all.

    Thank goodness for the birds - they never let me down!



  • Mike B said:


    when will the standard everyday workings of the site-  opening your own page, checking recent posts etc get back up to speed-  it's still painfully slow-  takes 15 seconds to open a post.                  27 seconds to open Recent activity !


    If you look through the posts you will see that Speed is the priority and that is what it is hoped will be dealt with on Saturday.

    This is the relevant part of the post from Ben on Wednesday.

    "The first and most significant step was to tackle the priority issue of performance. We have been working on a group of tasks that could contribute to the impact on performance relating to how the Community application works with the other web applications. We have also agreed to purchase an additional amount of memory for our servers. This memory upgrade has been scheduled for Saturday on our externally hosted web servers. This was the earliest opportunity we could get to do this work."


    Hi-   trying not to sound too.......      duh!  Use your brain - IF IT TAKES ME 15 SECONDS TO OPEN A POST going back through a pile of them is not really an option when I'm on here for a limited time.


    Am I making sense going senile or need to tear up my Mensa card ?

    Saturday?  I was told the computer company didn't work weekends - maybe this is an improvement :)

    Comments welcome from regulars :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • 58Willow, Apologies for not responding--busy the last couple days.  Welcome to my world!

    Ian (See Gull), Sorry I could not respond immediately after your relevant post (on the 12th, if I remember rightly)--been busy the last couple of days.  I am no fan of Facebook or many of its characteristics, mainly because of its original reason for being, and so am not a member, though I may eventually be forced to give in to the pressure of family and friends and join--LOL!  Hence, please may we stick with castigating things on this site as increasingly 'Facebooky' and leave the other 300-million-plus Americans out of the discussion and free of the blame?!  Facebooky does not necessarily equal Americanised!  Not everything that goes wrong in the world is the fault of ALL Americans, much as it sometimes might seem like it, not to mention that like the rest of us, they had no choice in where they were born!  Don't forget the almost 50/50 split of the vote in the last 2 Presidential elections so very likely many Americans would agree with you on many issues!  For example, I happen to know several Americans who would be appalled to be lumped with Facebook in any way--Thanks!  (I'll get off my soap box now, Everyone--sorry for the rant!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  •  well, subjectively this morning it seems a bit snappier (unless it's just that no-one's out of bed yet).  Let's stick in a pic and see if that's OK


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • yup, that seemed to work fine.  Have to see how the site performs over the course of the day.  I'm also assuming the extra memory DID get installed too of course!  Doubtless Ben will let us know on Monday


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Lol!  Thanks Doggie.  This was one of those fell-into-my-lap moments.  On holiday last year, opened the curtains of the cottage we were staying in, Stoats playing outside.  Opened the door with camera in hand, easy peasy :-)  The pic above is was the adult (emptying the local burrow of baby rabbits) for its youngsters....


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • It does seem a bit better today; a little faster and I'm not getting so many error messages from Safari. I do find I have to be much more accurate when clicking with my touchpad - as Alan said, it could be the computer.

  • Please can someone tell me how to post on this site as i have a strange bird in my garden that I want to identify? thankyou x

  • Whistling Joe and Lolly--I love your great Stoat and Hummingbird photos--many thanks for posting them!  Lolly, did you take the Hummingbird pics when you were Cyril-spotting (LOL!) down in Barbados (or where was it you went?) several months ago?

    Kind regards, Ann