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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Hi folks, I have flagged up the issue of privacy/names being displayed and have been assured that the techies are working on a solution as we speak. As regards the speed, which I can appreociate is frustrating, this is also a priority for us, so hang on in there folks - we're on the case!


  • is anyone else having trouble with personal messaging i cant find the send button also when posting pics i didn't need to resize it just posted now its saying file too large max is ? can anyone help

  • Hi folks, due to the ongoing performance issues we plan to close the site shortly for a brief time in order to resolve this problems. Thanks for your ongoing support and patience.


  • No problems Alan, have forwarded this to the techies for their input.

  • How do we send messages.

  • Hello people. You might remember me, I used to be a regular on this site telling of my experiences of what I had seen and photo's to share.
    When the site had its revamp a few years ago, what was then a perfectly easy, navigable, community site of which you could find posts and reserves, photos, and interesting information plus you people you had got to know, in seconds was then changed to a difficult to navigate, slow, unapproachable, uninteresting, near enough impossible to upload images website which stopped people like me being able to write large long interesting post for other to read.
    My use of the site reduced dramatically due to this. I posted now and then, but feel I have to rush to get the images onto the site before it cuts half of the post off. The it went down for maintenance. I thought 'oh, maybe they have had a change of thinking' Yeah right. What was already a embarrassment for the RSPB is now truly a joke!!
    To this end (and I'd made a decision some time ago) has now been instilled into me with this latest laughable creation. I shall not be returning to the site again. With the likes of Blogger and Flickr now well establish and gaining ever more popularity, I shall be using them from now on. I'll stay a member of the RSPB but whenever my membership renewal comes up, I'll always have a moment of hesitant thought 'just where is my money going, not to the useless website I hope!!'
    Should have spent the money like the moto says. Giving nature a home, not a pill of rubbish like this.
    I'm going to try and stay in contact with people that know me from here in other ways. You know who you are. But this is a final and sad goodbye from me. What a shame it had to be over this way.

    Kind regards (for the last time)

    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.

  • I am wondering how on earth we post pictures, please.

    When I use "Use rich formatting" and then click on the appropriate icon I just get "Insert image" and nothing else The browse box doesn't even appear

    I am SOOOOOO disappointed as I use this forum to distract me from health problems and now its just adding to my stress  Not sure that I can continue to use it unless things improve

  • Just seeing if I can insert pics from my blog and/or Photobucket...

  • Well, that worked. I don't see a way to edit posts at the moment though.

  • Hi patily

    I cannot get on any forums at the moment.but when I upload as previous, it takes a while for the insert/media button to come up, and this was a test using a smaller width and height. from earlier today. but it seems ok. try again.