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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  •  This was taken last year at Abberton Reservoir near Colchester, when Micheala Strachan opened the new building.  I am using IE 10 and can get access to my files through the pictures,  I will write a report plus I have to upload photo's onto my pc.


  •  This I when we had some sun last year in June taken at the Essex Wildlife Centre


  • Just had a funny 'happening' while logged into Community index page - am on Nexus tablet with two tabs open for quickness (helps me catch up after a day's absence) & I was suddenly logged out?but from only one tab?!!  No problem logging back on thankfully but discovered it's not a duplicate page but separate with a different list of which people are currently logged on!  Is this a manifestation of a separate server (never really understood this or why it's necessary - is it to spread the load?)


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • OK, this is interesting.  TJ - can you connect your smartphone to your home router via wifi and see if that gives you the same experience you had with it on the mobile network, or the same experience as your PC?  When you're on the mobile network, your phone will have a different IP address than when on the home router.  If the platform is treating you differently based on IP address, then it's suggestive of a server caching problem, or maybe persistence of routing to an incorrectly configured server in the load balancer arrangement (Wendy - yes, you have more than one server for sharing the load and resilience in case one breaks at some point).

    For anyone else having problems like this, it would be interesting if you can attach to a different router/broadband line to see what happens (ie do you see the same problems via an alternative network).  If you're a BT customer, you'll have access to BT Wifi and can try that (it will be another SSID transmitted from your HomeHub.  Just login with your normal BT email address and password).

    Logout from here first, close the browser, swap to the other network, then come back and login.  See what happens.

    Note - I'm not suggesting this is a fix for the problem, but it may help point techie chaps to where the problem is!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Thanks for the info guys - bit more knowledge for my ailing brain to process!  I am a lucky one though with no major problems, just a few niggles!

    Hope your holiday is a good 'un L & thanks for your solicitations - short & sweet answer is struggling with bronchial asthma but only one early doors ambulance trip to A&E so far (how the other half live eh? Ha ha)


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Ladies and Gents. I share everyone's frustration and concerns. If we are to get this resolved the individual hiccups and issues reported by all of us must, as Joe says, all go towards pointing the techies in the right direction. I guess that when our Moderators are in on Monday the first thing they will do is to access this page and pass on the contents. I will contact the Mods in the morning and also ensure our concerns are passed up the line to the appropriate level. If any one else has in mind to do so please say as there is no point all of us ringing them.

    If it is left to me I will,of course, report back on what response I get.

    My view is that the real losers in this will be ourselves unless we stick at it and don't just walk away.

  • Well said Mike - I'm more than happy for you & all other more qualified peoples to fight my corner & I'm not going away!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:

    Well said Mike - I'm more than happy for you & all other more qualified peoples to fight my corner & I'm not going away!

    Thank you Wendy. My technical knowledge is zero, along with many others on here, which is why the technical feedback is so important. I am however quite happy to advance our cause to whatever level it takes.

     If the people at the top don't know they can't intervene but if they do then it is they who should be held to account.

  • Mike B said:
    I will contact the Mods in the morning and also ensure our concerns are passed up the line to the appropriate level.
    Mike I would have thought the mods and techs would be keeping up with this thread, seing as this is the place to refer to re ongoing problems. IMO if someone has to draw it to their attention then there is something seriously wrong.
  • I'm sorry to hear folks are still having trouble, very sorry to hear that someone has left because of the problems. For what it's worth, all is working pretty well for me at the moment, photos uploaded quickly, general browsing not super-sluggish <touches wood>. I'm using Windows XP and Firefox. I'll have a go on my netbook later, that's Firefox running on Linux Mint.