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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Just to add to this debate. My photos are held in a file in my Windows system having ben 'Snipped' from whichever webcam. I then simply go to Rich Formatting,select insert image, click on Browse when the box appears,and it opens my photos. I select the one I require.Double click it and the details appear in the relevant space. Click insert and it's posted to the site. All seems to happen pretty quickly and indeed this aspect is much improved for me compared to the 'old' site when the box took ages to appear.

  • Mike, that is fine for you but I don't even have the WYSIWYG editor, am stuck in plain text mode, so am unable to upload from my pc. I can't even copy and paste from webspace. If I want to post a picture I have to use HTML code sourcing the image from one of my Photobucket albums.

  • Without the editor all I can do without having to resort to code is type and post plain text. Anything else requires me to use HTML. I wonder if anyone else has this problem, can't be just me surely?

  • Yes I swapped Alan. Some of the functions in the editor bar were disabled and was no use to me so I switched with the intention of seeing if matters had improved when I switched back. Since then it refuses to save when I try it. When I click on the save button it takes me to the basic options tab and the save button is then greyed out. Can't get any further than that so it is pretty frustrating to say the least. I check it daily to see if the WYSIWYG fairy has been but she keeps missing me out. Boo hoo :(

  • You see? Yours is working differently to mine. Lovely pic BTW

  • What save button?


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • Unknown said:
    <p>Chloe have you tried altering anything else in the settings to see if you can alter timezone etc</p><div style="clear:both;"></div>

    Yes with the same effect. Save function not working.

    I have tried everything I can think of Alan. It does exactly the same in Chrome, IE, FF, Opera and Safari. I use them all for cross browser checks for our website and a couple of them never get used for RSPB Community, still the same result when I tried them. No point uninstalling a browser that is geared up just the way I like it just for the sake of checking if it changes anything. Any changes have to come from the techs not from me going to a helluva lot of trouble like this. None of us should have to do this, even talk like this. It is the site that needs fixing, not our browsers or PCs.

    Ibcus, it is the button you click to save changes in settings.
  • Ahh, I thought you was talking about the actual editor.

    Have you tried using another browser to save the settings?


    I should have read all your post, lol


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • I did mention Opera...and Safari, FF, IE and Chrome Alan. I also mentioned that I have never used Opera and Safari for RSPB Community but when I did try them I encountered the same problem.

  • Unknown said:
    I agree we shouldn't have to be doing this but it seems we have invisible techies.
    We shouldn't have to be doing this because it is not our systems that are at fault. It is due to problems with the site. We can't fix the site.