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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I logged out of the site with Firefox and logged back in again using Chrome. It was slow but it did load. I don't know where I am now.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • The most worrying thing to me is the inconsistencies in the problems people are experiencing.

  • Oh this is hopeless. I've just - somehow and after a deal of effort - managed to upload a photo from my PC into the 'Identify this' forum. Then when I try to do the same onto the Dearne Valley forum the system won't give me an option to select my picture.

    I give in. Not coming back until it's fixed and idiot (me) proof!


  • Good morning all, Ihave been reading through all the problems people are experiencing and I am having difficulty posting photos which Ihad previously been able to do via Rich Formatting.  I have tried clicking on the insert image icon and nothing happens! I know several people have had the same problem! I do not have flicker or photobucket (what ever that might be! ) How do you reduce the size of photos in order to post, ? It was never necessary before! Im hoping this will change soon ! Many Thanks in anticipation.

  • 58willow, before you do anything else, clear the browser's cache etc and try again; that seems to resolve problems for many.  As far as uploading pictures is concerned, 4Mb seems to be the current limit (or it was a couple of days ago!), so you may not need to re-size anything - what size images do you have?


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Yes, it did for the one picture, Alan. but when I tried to post a photo on the Young Birds thread using Chrome it failed again. I had to upload the photo to Picasa Web Albums first and then into the thread from there.

    I just hope we are going to see some action today now that the staff are back at work.

    As Bob has said frequently, some feedback would be appreciated. There's nothing worse than not knowing what is going on.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Looks as if rspb community is starting to settle down at last!!  

    I have cleared all cookies, favourites and bookmarks from Internet Explorer (Tools/Internet Options/Delete) and am now collecting fresh ones.  

    Everything seems to be working now, so all I have to do is find those items that have moved or look different.

     Heigh-ho - that's the joy of modern computing - not! 

    Some functions are still s l o w  -  but maybe that's because too many of us are still floundering around at the moment.

    Note:  I see this morning that in Settings/Notifications, the tick boxes for Live Alert reverted to ticked on despite being cleared (only possible when not greyed out - i.e. choice temporarily ticked on) and then Saved.

  • Noah  could have built two  ark's by the time it takes to post any thing or move between sites.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hi all,

    First of all let me just say that I do understand how frustrating it must be to repeatedly post questions and ask for responses not to get them, I can only apologise for this but at the same time it was the weekend, a beautiful one at that and I was extremely busy doing all sorts of 'outsidey' things with family, friends etc and as explained on Friday it would be hard for me to contribute anything more.

    I am now back in the office, Monday morning for me is spent constantly answering the phone to people who have been experiencing wildlife over the lovely sunny weekend, often I put the phone down and it rings again, I also have to sort out all the incoming e-mails and generally get back into the swing of things ready for the week.

    I have spoken to the people more technically minded than myself regarding the communities update, they have also been busy this morning, in meetings etc and getting back onto dealing with the various issues that last week brought and trust me they are working very hard to continue sorting these and are taking on board everything that is being written on this thread.

    Once we know more we can inform you of any changes, updates, improvements etc but please do not think we don't care or that we aren't working hard because we are.

    Kind Regards,


  • All I can say Bob is that I am now back in the office and will try keep you as updated as I possibly can along with the other moderators.

    I started at 9am this morning, the phone was ringing from the moment I switched it on, in between calls I was trying to read through the 6 new pages of discussion from over the weekend so I had a chance to catch up on what was being said. I then began to formulate a reply but had to keep stopping to answer the phone, speak to colleagues etc.

    The communities is working, weekends can still be shared with each other in some way and it is simply a matter for us to now iron out all the other various problems that are stopping it from functioning in the best way possible. Trust me, we are working on this.

    I cannot apologise enough if this has caused anyone any distress or inconvenienced anyone's weekend, I will try to remain positive and helpful and hopefully soon there will be far less problems to contend with.

    Kind Regards,
