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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Hi all,

    Just another update, I have just spoken to our technical team who have also been working very hard to sort this all out.

    Their priority was the performance of the communities, this has now been resolved and it is working as well if not better than previously in terms of speed etc.

    They are currently working on the next 2 main issues, the problem with usernames showing real names and the picture size issue.

    Once those are sorted all other issues can be dealt with, they are noting these down so if any other issues not listed above are needing to be dealt with please write them down here clearly and concisely and they can be stacked up to be sorted.

    Kind Regards,


  • SUE C Thanks about Picture Manager but first problem is getting browse box to open so can even choose a picture

  • This pic of Garden Bumblebee is 376kb, uploaded pretty quickly too (from my computer, not online).

    I'm having trouble turning off my notifications - have made the changes in settings, it's been more than 10 minutes (!) and I'm still getting the notifications.

  • One of the problems seems to be that different members are experiencing different things. ie one person has the image upload facility enabled whereas another one doesn't.

  • Chloe,  thanks for your input. The key thing is here is that the communities are first of all working smoothly and quickly, secondly that they look how we want them to look so that they are easy to navigate and understand.

    Then the various other problems can be sorted systematically. We appreciate individual people will all have small niggles and gripes with various things, we are logging them all and will work through them patiently to make sure each individual problem gets sorted.

    As with all technical overhauls these things take time, its work in progress but we are working on it!

  • As an old dinosaur on computers who struggles on most forums I am saying is usually me who is pressing the wrong buttons.No doubt i will be all sorted b the time I  get back from Northumberland next week with loads of new birds on my year list.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Hi Alan, those "stickies" have been removed, hope that helps!

  • Good stuff Alan, if there is anything else I can do I will try, if its more technical then fear not the technical people will address it as and when possible, thank you for bearing with us, we do appreciate everyone's patience with this.

  • Agree with that Alan,most problems I encounter are usually of my own making.In a few days time we may well be wondering what all the fuss was about and then we will have to moan about the weather in good old British fashion.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:
    Chloe,  thanks for your input. The key thing is here is that the communities are first of all working smoothly and quickly, secondly that they look how we want them to look so that they are easy to navigate and understand.
    Thanks for your response Ben. I have no problems navigating and I like the new format but unfortunately don't find the Communities running as smoothly and as quickly as you do. Occasionally it speeds up but in general has been ponderously slow for me. I run Windows 7 and use the most up to date browsers, experiencing exactly the same in each. Hopefully once things settle it will improve.