Help with Australian/UK Bird/Wildlife Feeding Research

Hi All, 

Firstly thank you so much for your time and reading my plea for help :). I am a PhD student at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia and I am undertaking a research project that is looking at the activity of wildlife feeding, particularly birds, and whether this form of human-wildlife interaction helps people forge a connection with nature and then consequently what that connection means for their conservation values. 

I am also undertaking an international comparison between Australia and the United Kingdom because here in Australia there is an opposition to people engaging in wildlife feeding and despite this people still choose to feed wildlife. This comparison will investigate the motivations to feed birds/wildlife in both countries as well as feeding practices, connection with nature and conservation values. 

If you have 10-20 minutes to spend some time helping me with my research by doing the online survey I would really appreciate it. I have pasted the survey link below. Additionally if you are interested in the results of this study or would like any further information you can contact me at :             feeding

Survey Link:

Thank you so much for your time. 

Renee Chapman 

  • Thank you so much, I really appreciate everyone's help. Also feel free to pass on the survey to anyone else you know that feeds birds and may be interested in helping. Thanks again.

  • Hi Renee,   Having spent 7 years living in Australia I can almost picture where you are at University !    Good luck with your Australia/UK Bird/Wildlife feeding research;     I have just completed your survey and submitted it.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Done :) I wonder how much resistance to feeding wildlife in Australia stems from the fact that the wildlife over there tends to be of the type that can kill you and is therefore less desirable to encourage ;)

    A closed mouth gathers no foot.