Bahhhh. Frozen screen - 1/2 hour wasted. Off to watch Apprentice!!
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
Hi Claire,
Sorry you had trouble uploading photos. Can you tell me whether it's worked for you in the past? If so, is it possible that the photos you were uploading were particularly large?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Got some feedback about our community? Let us know in the Feedback forum.
I'm just posting here to check whether it works at all.
I'll wait to hear from you on my earlier questions.
I Also have had trouble loading photos.
If the pictures were too big why did they go the second time.
It really does wind me up and yesterday was ready for packing in when Doggie asked me to try again.
a good laugh is better than a tonic
I have to say that this new site is rubbish (in my opinion) Uploading pictures is an absolute joke and like Barnsley Lad I've wasted so much time trying that I don't then get the time to actually converse with anyone!
Now that I've started.....
Every time you hit return to start a new line/paragraph the cursor disappears and it generally takes 3 or more times to actually start writing again....not the end of the world but annoying!
As above the first capital letter of a new line takes several attempts before it stops disappearing?????
Navigation around the site is 'random' with some sections often for wild life and greenfingers quite simply aren't there half the time???
Back to uploading pictures.....keeps freezing or crashing my computer?????
Time is valuable and spare time is rare!!!.....
Disgruntled Higgy!
Hi Higgy,
Thanks for your feedback. We are very keen to get to the bottom of all this. It is not affecting everyone so there must be a common factor amongst the people experiencing it.
Could you tell me what web browser you are using including the version number? (for example, Internet Explorer version 8). You can normally find this under the Help menu - there is probably an "About Internet Explorer" or "About Firefox" option which will tell you the version number.
Secondly, can you explain in detail what happens when you try and fail to upload a photo. Is it clear what bit has failed to work?
This information will help enormously in tracking down exactly what is going wrong.
Many thanks,
I have never had any problem uploading a photo and it has always appeared in my post first attempt.
I use Windows XP SP3 usually with Firefox 5 or IE8, and I try to always ensure that my file sizes are less then 3mb.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
I have no trouble when replying, it's new posts that seem to play up. The process completes with no errors, just no images in the post.
It's both what you do and the way that you do it!
You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren. William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)
mpiekp said:The process completes with no errors, just no images in the post.
I remember the time you had this problem. Since then, I always use the Preview button to ensure that all is OK before posting.
Recently switched to Mac and all works well here! I now wonder why on earth I put up with Windows for so flippin' long!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr