I can't change my signature without getting: "validation error please go back to the previous page and try again"
I have seen someone who has a 3 line signature, so that must be OK, and I have seen people with small image links so they must be OK. But I can't seem to have 3 lines nor add a small image.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
JudiM said:If you post a picture in a thread, you post it once. Post an image in your signature its posted everytime you reply. That's more than 4000 little bluebirds clogging up the works. So apart from the legalities I'm with Graham on this one
That is true enough, but that wasn't the reason given for not allowing them in the signature box. All posts have to be looked at by moderators, not just those with images in them
By increasing the size of the font for every post, rather than changing the text in the signature box to Italic as Sparrow suggested, the number of pages on the Community probably doubled in one stroke
Woodpecker said: By increasing the size of the font for every post, rather than changing the text in the signature box to Italic as Sparrow suggested, the number of pages on the Community probably doubled in one stroke
This is not the case. The community displays forum posts in batches of 15, regardless of what size the font is.
Unknown said:This is not the case. The community displays forum posts in batches of 15, regardless of what size the font is.
Thanks Katie,
That's a relief then. There must be another reason for the go slow