Looking ahead

Hi guys,

the forums must be getting towards a year old now so how about a

FIRST SIGNS OF AUTUMN  forum?  Come July we will start getting waders returning south etc, continuing through with Terns, warblers etc and we will be back where we started listening for Redwings.

or maybe this goes on the Migration forum and we jump straight to a ..........








For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Nice idea S

    And we must have a pic of you with your winter drawers on!!!

    Pipit lol x

    PS  Any more curious bird pics for us to guess? I'm getting withdrawal (no pun intended) symptoms


  • Hi Seymours

    Yes, a year old, and a great year on here too.

    Sounds a great idea with another Group about 'Wintering Birds'

    Yes, those darker nights are starting to make their presence known once more.

    Winter Draws In/On whatever it is one to consider now {big smile}

    Cannot wait to see what members have to say here


    Kathy and Dave