Possible 'News' Forum

To cover any stories which have been in the local news, escapees, amazing sighting etc....

Striving to be a better Photographer whilst looking after two young children... :0/


Owning a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer... it makes you a Nikon owner!

  • Thats a good idea Nicky I saw a story yesterday following a link from the bbc website which took me to the mail on line sorry don't know how to link it to here . It was about a woodpecker in a village in cambridge which is pecking on metal parts on chimney pots to try to attract a mate ...driving the locals mad lol


    Feeling More Positive :-)

  • Hehhehe! that sounds like a funny story. 


    This morning the news said they believed Great Snipes were now breeding in the UK again, great times :) 

    Striving to be a better Photographer whilst looking after two young children... :0/


    Owning a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer... it makes you a Nikon owner!

  • Nicky i tried to link lol instesd i copied and pasted this from the cambridge news

    CULPRIT: The woodpecker is looking for a mate


    Sleep-deprived residents have filmed a lovelorn woodpecker hammering away at metal chimneys and aerials.

    As the News reported, it began annoying people in the High Street area of Fen Ditton last month.

    He has infuriated residents as he gets going with his noisy antics as early as 5am.

    The bird often carries on through the day – it is thought he is trying to attract a mate with his drumming.

    Colin Lang, 57, who lives with his wife Christine in Fen Ditton, said it sounded “like a road drill”.

    He said: “I see him outside my bedroom window drumming on the chimney three houses away. You can hear him down the street.”

    Male woodpeckers attract females by hammering on objects, with a louder noise making them appear stronger and a better mate.

    Females play hard to get usually until the end of May, when peace should return to Fen Ditton.


    Regards Kimo

    Feeling More Positive :-)

  • hahaha!!!


    Bless him :) 

    Striving to be a better Photographer whilst looking after two young children... :0/


    Owning a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer... it makes you a Nikon owner!

  • Interesting idea, we'll have a look into it when the new system is up and running after the upgrade next week!!!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • News forum is a great idea Nicky hope it gets the go ahead.
    Hope woody finds a mate soon.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Here's one from the BBc today.
