As far as I can see, there's nowhere where the RSPB itself is discussed.  It's understandable almost all the posts are about birds, which we all enthusiastic about, but is there not also a need to examine how we're doing as an organisation?  Suggestions for our new Chief Executive perhaps, or thoughts about membership turnover (we sign up lots of new members, but why do so many leave us before long?), or about how we spend our funds in UK or overseas, or about how well campaigns are going (lots of signatures for letter to the future, but not so good when you see it's less than a quarter of our membership).

You will probably guess I'd like to start with a good moan!  I volunteered for a couple of different things, and the first response in both cases was "please fill in this form authorising a CRB check".  Not very welcoming I thought, how about a phone call first to see if I suit the job and the job suits me!  How does the RSPB recommend its staff to handle the first contact with a new volunteer?

Overall the RSPB does a really great job, so this isn't really about moans but about fostering continuing success, by exchanging ideas about how we do things and what we might do extra/differently/less of.

  • Hi 5 welcome.

    I can't speak for here but i know on a large birding site that everytime a discussion started on the RSPB, it would seem to end up in a slanging match.Some people had huge gripes and others were passionate.

    Somehow, i don't think that would necessarily happen here so really can't answer your question.I suppose anyone could open a thread on any aspect though.

    Regarding the CRB check.My son has to get them all the time and i know it can be a bit of a pain but much better for it to be done prior.It is a bit silly offering someone a job even though it is voluntary, then having to say it's a no go.Waste of both peoples time .



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Respect your concerns and views, but I do not think this is the right place for such a discussion. It is a community website to share all experiences of nature. What you are suggesting is not for this website and I for one would oppose such a forum.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • That's a 'me too' - it would quickly degenerate into mud-slinging.

    And I think we have enough degeneration on this Forum now as it is.

  • Unknown said:


    Moi aussi! :-)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr



    a forum to debate the RSPB would probably show up our different reasons for being in the society and on here. Nothing wrong with that but the RSPB in some ways has to be all things to all men . I don't agree with all of its stances and decisions but it's top priority is the birds so I back them. I would rather concentrate on what we have in common rather than risk a slanging match on contentious topics :))



    ps- it's also so I can get into their reserves free - OHWOTAGIVAWAY!!!

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hi 5WIFT

    I'm not sure if these community forums are designed for that purpose either.

    It may be included somewhere else when you click on the RSPB icon at the top left of this page

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • When I first read this, I must admit I thought it was a good idea. I imagined discussing the various RSPB  campaigns, what it is like to be a volunteer and how to become one, which birds are most at risk in different parts of the country etc. etc. However, I do understand the other points of view mentioned here. As this is my first and only forum I bow to your greater knowledge and do forsee it could become too heated, as people are very passionate about these issues.

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Well thanks Jef for a considered and constructive comment.  It's my first and only forum too, but that doesn't mean our views aren't valid.  Otherwise my suggestion seems to have gone down like a lead balloon! 

    We have folk who think the RSPB should not be discussed on the RSPB Community (hmm..), but don't actually suggest an alternative.  We have folk who are worried about slanging matches, which would be them worrying about other people presumably, not themselves who would always be polite of course.  And we have folk who do think there are common interests to discuss, but don't mention the constructive ones I raised.

    I have to assume that they are mostly amongst the three-quarters of members who haven't bothered to sign (or don't agree with) the Letter to the Future, that they are not concerned with the quality of welcome we give to new volunteers, that they aren't worried about the high number of departing members.  Why do ostriches come to mind (or is that derogatory)?  Not discussing tricky issues doesn't make them go away.

  • Hi 5Swift,

    I for one was simply pointing out why it probably wouldn't work.Debates don't bother me one bit but slanging matches are not usually educational in a good way .It is impossible to keep the threads on target or rational because people are so different and often far too aggressive in their responses.

    When debates get out of hand the threads are locked and people get banned because they get over heated and start throwing insults at one another. Starts off a bit like your post, which is aimed at those that obviously know better than you,then rapidly goes down hill.

    There is a well known site which is the nets largest bird forum and that is where you will see what happens in threads such as the ones you wish to see.No different to religion, and wars caused by it, comes to mind .Open a thread on whatever you wish to discuss there, and enjoy.

     2010 Grad Roll :0)



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .