Melodic magpie song?

Hi all, I heard a rich, melodic bird call in our garden today. It almost sounded like a blackbird, but when I looked up to where the call was coming from, I saw a magpie, probably a young one. Bird guides often refer to the typical clacking, clattering magpie call. Just wondering if anyone else has heard a more melodic song from a magpie. It was beautiful to listen to. Thanks, Jean
  • There is usually a sort of harmony between the Gulls and the Crows Clare but once the breeding season comes he turns into a devil. He likes to dive bomb them and often can be seen with a feather in his mouth.  

    Kind regards


  • That must be a sight!  Both crows and gulls are wonderful to watch when they're flying, in their different ways.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Jean, I have also heard the same melodic song you describe. It was so beautiful and unexpected that I had to double-check to make sure it was coming from the magpie I happened to be passing during my walk along a lakeside path. It was so strange (but enchanting) that it could have been generated by the BBC’s Stereophonic Workshop. I’d love to hear it again some time.

    Never turn your back on a rat

  • Not sure how the 'magpie' was being aged in 2016. Size? Realistically, any black and white bird singing a blackbird song is going to be a blackbird with leucism.