New Forum Suggestion -Forum community feedback please

Hi everyone

Over the last 3 weeks since joining the forum I have been gradually catching up on the thread archives

One thing that is very clear is that there is a huge amount of knowledge and information on the forum, but some elements, that will be of huge value to those new and keen to learn, are in danger of being lost, especially as the threads start to whizz round ever faster.

So I would welcome your feedback, on whether you think there is any value, in requesting a new forum where your photographs can be organized, to give identification guidance on, for example, plummage variation in all birds, but especially  in fledglings as they develop. 

We can of course include photo's to aid all aspects of identification and other issues of interest regarding birds.

New members to the RSPB can currently request a free gift of the RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife, which features 41 of the most commonly seen birds.

This forum contains photo's of most of these birds at various stages of development.

if you think it is a good idea and are happy to move your photographs, and if the moderators are happy to set up a new forum, I would be very happy to set up the individual threads so that you can then enter your photo's, that will then be credited to you via your post.     

So that everyone has a chance to read this, I will try to keep it in the latest thread list for a week and then let it die if it is obviously not a good idea. :-D

Thank  you

Eilid x

"out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • Thanks Sparrow

    Never noticed that before!!

    What a Good Egg you are!

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • If I want to keep threads on specific subjects I bookmark them for my future personal use. Then I can sort them any way I want to.

    I have all of Buzzards identification threads bookmarked and can visit them at any time without having to search through lot's of pictures in the gallery or lot's of threads in the search box.

    Any forum will get full and won't be easy to sort through.

    Looking at 'posts you have not read' is also a good idea.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/07/2010 18:20 in reply to Woodpecker

    Hi Chris

    I have to admit i am the lazy one and I do not 'bookmark' the threads at all - not even the favourite ones

    So I will take your advice on board and do that now

    Need to be a bit more vigilant and make life a bit easier on the site - rather than searching through lots of threads and all the posts on my profile.

    You deserve to be the next 'good Egg' !!


    Kathy and Dave


  • Hi everyone

    As mentioned in my OP, I'm  bumping this  thread back up to give everyone who wants to,  the opportunity to respond.

    Just to clarify, my original idea was to  create a forum that offered a starting place that would be useful to new birdwatchers, leaving them free to explore everything else this forum offers gradually. 

    Paul E's "Show Us Your Babies" thread, reveals just how much variation in fledgling plummage can occur. To have these photo's organised under individual bird identification threads, seems to be a great way to present the brilliant photo's and knowledge the forum members have, but it would only be a starters place.

    Hopefully new forum members would still introduce themselves maintaining the social aspect of the forum.

    A rough idea of how I imagined the appearance of the forum is an overall name ie, 

    New Bird Watchers ID Guidance   

    With separate threads for each of the most commonly occuring birds.

    That would then allow each of you that wished to, to slot your photographs into the appropriate thread.

    Your repsonses so far do  indicate that some changes would  make this site quicker to use.

    I personally find the search facility slow and prone to error, while I have found getting into the galleries  very slow and frustrating,even with a fast broadband connection. Bookmarking is a very useful facility but doesn't always help if you are looking for help on something you have previously missed or that is new to you.

    I look forward to your additional thoughts and responses

    Eilid x

    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • I miss so many posts like this one as things move so fast now. Used to love the galleries but it takes so long I haven't used it for montths. The search facility is a pain so this sounds like a good idea.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • I think this is an excellent idea. The plummage of birds can change so much from juvenile to adults. A forum to show the most common garden birds would be very helpful. I miss loads of posts now which is inevitable as the site grows. Great idea Eilid and well done for offering to organise the photos initially, what a star.


    Kind regards Jane.