How to feed ground feeding birds whilst away on holiday ?

I have always had a neighbour feed the birds each day for me while I am away but they can't do this anymore and I am worried about being able to continue to provide food for the ground feeders, blackbirds, starlings etc in February when I'm away for two weeks. I also have squirrels in the garden so a problem there! Any ideas of bulk hoppers? I have lots of hanging feeders but the blackbirds can't quite access those easily.
  • Hi carol, whereabouts are you? There may be someone on here who would like to exchange bird feeding duties with you for when they go away. I'm not sure how well hoppers would work but some of the feeders used for chickens (agriculural suppliers) may do the trick.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Hi Noisette, I have tried chicken hoppers and it seems the squirrels ate most of the food in it and also knawed away at the dividers (plastic) to get to the most food! Also, perhaps as a result of the squirrels being there all the time, the blackbirds, starlings etc, are frightened away.

    I am away again for Christmas and am really worried about "my" birds as it looks as if it's going to be a bad one this year. Help anyone please??!!