Whole Peanuts, and members of the Tit family


Hi there

Recently I have been adding 'some' whole peanuts to my ground feeders for the Blue Tits, Great Tits in my garden.

I know that there is a point that whole peanuts become an issue for any newly hatched Blue Tit youngsters

What is the point I should stop putting out any whole nuts, and add peanut bits instead.

Peanut bits.... another birdfood for Dave to buy - he despairs of me at times with my birdfood LOL

He has to foot the bill each time.


Kathy and Dave

  • My other half has a small blender that he uses to chop peanuts into bits. That might be a cheaper option for you than buying ready-chopped peanuts.

    A closed mouth gathers no foot.

  • Hi Blackbird

    Although blue tit chicks are unlikely to hatch before May - assuming that they read the books and breed when we expect them to do so - I would not offer loose peanuts from April onwards to be on the safe side. Having said that, considering the caching behaviour of birds like coal tits and nuthatches, and the raids by squirrels, offering whole peanuts any time of the year is quite an expensive business. The trouble with coal tits is that they store a lot of food 'for the rainy day' but so often forget where they have hidden it, and so much of these caches go completely to waste. In natural circumstances, of course, this serves a purpose, as the birds go and 'plant' the seeds of many of our native trees and shrubs.