Last year, we got 7 clumps of frogspawn in our pond (we made the year before) around spring time. We were very excited but then we noticed the 'blackdots' were not developing, soon they were going grey and all the frogspawn died. When we noticed something was'nt right we took some inside in a tank. We posted on other wildlife forums but got very little and inconclusive responses. We would like to know what is happening and why and can we do anything about it?
We lost some frog spawn last year as I think it was laid (is that the right term?) too early.The frogs laid some more later and that seemed to develop OK.I think it was the Febuary lot that did not develop but the March lot did.
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Frogs lay at several times through the spring, frogspawn that is laid early in the year is at risk from cold spells but if there is none and the tadpoles emerge then they have an advantage over those laid later in the spring and will even eat smaller tadpoles. It is possible that the cold spell got to your frogspawn.
However, there is an unexplained loss of frogspawn in ponds and if you find it happening again this year you may want to inform Froglife as they may wish to investigate.
Link to more info -
If you are wanting to give yout frogs a boost, you can collect some frogspawn soon after it is laid and rear the tadpoles in captivity and then release the froglets back into your pond.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Hi Ellie, As suggested here by KatTai - the best port of call here is to indeed notify Froglife the leading conservation experts of all British amphibians.
They also run a helpline for all related queries and offer advice on on pond management etc.. I know they produce a series of information sheets some of which are available through froglifes website.
Thankyou for all your comments! the forgspawn was laid in late march and early april so unlikely it was the cold. I shall contact froglife and explain!
Unknown said: Thankyou for all your comments! the forgspawn was laid in late march and early april so unlikely it was the cold. I shall contact froglife and explain!
Hi Ellie, if I remember rightly there was a cold snap in late March/April last year, I'm sure I remember snow around easter-time, so it could have been that cold spell that caused the die-off.