Six Bullfinches and a Black Pheasant feeding in the field near our house but no Greenfinches seen since mid Dec. Were they victims of the big freeze?
Many birds will have struggled through the harsh weather but it is unlikely to have wiped out all of the greenfinches. Finches can be quite mobile in winter and will often move from field to field and hedgerow to hedgerow in search of seed. It is most likely that they have shifted their forgaing route as natural food comes and goes.
Keep looking as i am sure they will turn up again, and listen out for their wheezy song as many will already have started singing already.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
The greenfinches have returned to our garden this morning, having deserted us for the BGBW.
Mine did the same - I had around 5-6, they all disappeared for the BGBW and now 2 have returned.
Make me a coffee and put me in front of the kitchen window!