In my birdwatch hour I spotted a bird in my garden that I can't identify. It was very small and beige with a red beak. It looked finch-like. I've tried the bird identifier and cannot find any pictures that match.
We do get escaped birds in our area that are not native to the UK. Where we regularly walk our dog parakeets are common, for example. So now I'm wondering if I've seen a non-native small escaped something!
However, given how small it was I did wonder if it might be a juvenille of some sort.
Any suggestions appreciated!
Hi Amo
As you seem to have eliminated native birds it does sound as though it might be an escaped captive bird.
I believe the zebra finch is a quite popular domesticated bird and it does have a bright red beak. The male is very colourful but the female is more the beige colour you describe.
I found this video on the net. Could this be what you saw?
My Flickr Photostream
Hi Amo and welcome to the forum. I agree with TJ - a Zebra Finch seems the most likely candidate.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Yes! An escaped female zebra finch it is! Thank you
Hello AMO and welcome to the RSPB Forum
Any small finch like bird with a red beak shouts Zebra finch to me
Kathy and Dave