Hi there
While I was awake early this morning at 5am (as Dave travels to work in Glasgow - so it a early morning for him)....I could hear a Thrush singing its heart out on a Tree quite a distance away.
The song was very clear, flutey and distinctive to listen to.
One question I would like to ask, which Thrush does the repititive 3 single note singing?
Thank you
Kathy and Dave
Hi Blackbird
In my limited experience I would say it is likely to be a song thrush. It's this specie that does the repetitive phrases and notes whereas the the mistle thrush has a more warbling sound plus of course its rattle.
If you've got a sound card on your computer you can listen to the songs of both birds on the RSPB website at
Hope this helps
My Flickr Photostream
The Song Thush is the repetition specialist. I always liken them to the pub bore who engages you in conversation and makes sure you don't miss anything by saying it all twice as in.
"Hello, hello"
"How are you?" "How are you?"
"eh?" "eh?"
And so forth.
Mistle Thrushes kick-off during and after rain showers which earned them the county name of "Storm Cock".
Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?