Further to "deformed" male chaffinch feet.
Appear to have two groups of chaffinches. 1st group, both male and female no problems.
2nd group both male and female have white legs and feet.
There is also "a" (I think only one) a male chaffinch with odd or deformed feet. Both are affected,
he seems to jump around. Both feet are large, white and and clumpy. I don't see how he is able
to balance in trees.
poor little things, I never seen that, some one here will tell you what may be wrong with them. I had i blackbird that only walked one one leg, the other one may of been broken, but he seem to be getting on fine, even down to fighting others off for food.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Cuts to the feet can allow infection to occur which may result in swelling and lameness. Avian pox can cause wart-like growths on the feet of house sparrows, starlings and pigeons, while another viral disease causes tumours of the feet, particularly in chaffinches.
The condition to which you describe sounds to me like chaffinch specific viral papilloma as seen in this image from the wildaboutbritain website http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/files/4/4/9/IMG_3080.jpg
Chaffinch legs and feet are sometimes observed with a fibrous growth called a papilloma, actually a viral cancer. It often resembles white fluffy socks or such like on the legs of affected birds. These tumours may regress, The British Trust of Ornithology have ringed birds with papillomas that were absent again on subsequent recoveries, but in serious cases death is inevitable. Even in instances where the birds could be caught any resulting infection from open wounds will usually again, prove fatal. It's thought that this virus transmits through open wounds and direct contact so short of somehow ridding all sharp edges the birds are likely to encounter there really isn't much else that can be done other than exercise good hygiene around the feeders. It's thought that chaffinch viral papilloma is lowly infectious and requires open wounds and direct contact as mode of transmission.
Hi Margaret, welcome to the forums.
The following information is a quote from ufaw regarding diseases in Chaffinches.
Quote:Warts (viral papillomas)
Agent: The Fringilla papillomavirus (FPV).
Epidemiology: The epidemiology of the disease has not been studied.
Species susceptible: Chaffinches and, to a lesser extent, bramblings. In a large survey of birds captured for ringing in the Netherlands, papillomas were found on 330 (1.3%) of some 25,000 chaffinches examined and both sexes were affected. However, cases usually occur in clusters and quite high proportions of local populations may be affected in outbreaks.
Clinical signs: The disease causes warty outgrowths on the foot or tarsometatarsus (the bare part of the leg). Usually only one limb is affected. The growths vary from small nodules to large irregular shaped and deeply-fissured masses which almost engulf the entire lower leg and foot and which can distort the toes. Affected birds usually seem in otherwise good health but some may show signs of lameness and hop mainly on the unaffected foot and digits may be lost. The warts grow slowly and may progress over many months.
Pathology: The growths have a similar structure to warts in mammals and are due to excessive growth of the keratinised layers of the skin.
Risks to human and domestic species: None known.
Diagnosis: The clinical appearance is strongly suggestive but other diseases can cause swellings on the legs and feet: infestation with Cnemidocoptes mites (there is some evidence for an association between mange due to Cnemidocoptes infestations and the occurrence of papillomas), bacterial infections (bumblefoot), poxvirus infections. Diagnosis can be confirmed by histology or detection of papillomavirus particles.
Impact on populations: It seems unlikely that this disease has an impact on population densities.
Impact on welfare: Even birds with large papillomas often appear to behave normally so, in some cases, the growths may be little more than an inconvenience and relatively minor irritation. However, lameness is sometimes observed and this clearly indicates pain.
Treatment: None. The outcome of the disease is unclear. Birds may die through being incapacitated or through developing secondary infections but it is possible that in some cases the lesions may regress spontaneously.
Control and prevention: The fact that cases occur in clusters suggests that the presence of affected birds presents a risk to others that are susceptible. The mode of transmission is not known but it seems likely that the virus may be spread via surfaces the birds stand or perch upon. If so, hygiene measures and steps to minimise crowding at perching or feeding sites may reduce the risk.
Hope this helps Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Many thanks for the information, so pleased to receive replies.
When I see him again, I will look at him with renewed interest!
Thanks again!
Buzzard said: Hi Margaret, welcome to the forums. The following information is a quote from ufaw regarding diseases in Chaffinches. http://www.ufaw.org.uk/infectious-diseases.php#id11 Quote:Warts (viral papillomas) Agent: The Fringilla papillomavirus (FPV). Epidemiology: The epidemiology of the disease has not been studied. Species susceptible: Chaffinches and, to a lesser extent, bramblings. In a large survey of birds captured for ringing in the Netherlands, papillomas were found on 330 (1.3%) of some 25,000 chaffinches examined and both sexes were affected. However, cases usually occur in clusters and quite high proportions of local populations may be affected in outbreaks. Clinical signs: The disease causes warty outgrowths on the foot or tarsometatarsus (the bare part of the leg). Usually only one limb is affected. The growths vary from small nodules to large irregular shaped and deeply-fissured masses which almost engulf the entire lower leg and foot and which can distort the toes. Affected birds usually seem in otherwise good health but some may show signs of lameness and hop mainly on the unaffected foot and digits may be lost. The warts grow slowly and may progress over many months. Pathology: The growths have a similar structure to warts in mammals and are due to excessive growth of the keratinised layers of the skin. Risks to human and domestic species: None known. Diagnosis: The clinical appearance is strongly suggestive but other diseases can cause swellings on the legs and feet: infestation with Cnemidocoptes mites (there is some evidence for an association between mange due to Cnemidocoptes infestations and the occurrence of papillomas), bacterial infections (bumblefoot), poxvirus infections. Diagnosis can be confirmed by histology or detection of papillomavirus particles. Impact on populations: It seems unlikely that this disease has an impact on population densities. Impact on welfare: Even birds with large papillomas often appear to behave normally so, in some cases, the growths may be little more than an inconvenience and relatively minor irritation. However, lameness is sometimes observed and this clearly indicates pain. Treatment: None. The outcome of the disease is unclear. Birds may die through being incapacitated or through developing secondary infections but it is possible that in some cases the lesions may regress spontaneously. Control and prevention: The fact that cases occur in clusters suggests that the presence of affected birds presents a risk to others that are susceptible. The mode of transmission is not known but it seems likely that the virus may be spread via surfaces the birds stand or perch upon. If so, hygiene measures and steps to minimise crowding at perching or feeding sites may reduce the risk. Hope this helps Regards Buzzard