white doves

Hi, I'm new to this community. Been a member of the RSPB for a while but stumbled across this while looking for information.

I've just had a pair of pure white doves (no markings whatsover - they werent collered) visit my garden and stay for around 20 minutes after I first noticed them. I have a pair of grey ones that regularly visit but I've never seen a white one with my own eyes never mind 2. They, from what I could see, didn't have rings on their legs. I am now concerened as everything I have read online says that these aren't wild birds and will die. Should I try and capture them if they come back?. They were eating from the ground under my feeder so I am thinking that they may come back for more food.

  • they were exacly like the picture of the one in the first link. I now see that other people also see these about and its not as unusual. :D

  • Welcome to the forum, Shona

    I wouldn't worry about the doves/pigeons. They are probably just as capable of surviving as other feral pigeons.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi Shona I'm thinking of keeping Fantail Doves in my back garden.  I have loved and wanted them since I was a young boy.  I have been asking people and friends in my local town who keep racing pigeons and have been asking them questions about feeding and health etc.

    One friend said that on two occasions white doves or fantails have teamed up with his flock and returned to feed at his loft.  Almost a mile away from his house a man has a Dovecote. Also when walk home from work in the mornings I walk through a park by the river, it is about 10 minute from my house.  I see two pigeons, they stick out as they look like racing pigeons (no rings) but they are in great condition.  One is a lovely dark colour.  These two pigeons visit my garden in the afternoons!!  Sounds like your little White Doves may be from a nearby loft or Dovecote and call round for lunch!! Enjoy!! :)



  • Hi looking for info, a white dove has been perching on a window ledge opposite. My concern is it safe and why has it has returned 3 nights to a chilly window ledge? Contacted RSPCA they say as they are protected they can do nothing. Nature must take its course, yet its so odd to see such a beautiful well sized pure white dove. My thoughts are now concern as would hate if its nesting on a main road. There are trees around for nesting with more shelter and security. Do they fly to warmer climates. Do you know if they can tolerate a Scottish winter. Should I feed it, if so what.
    Google has so many different articles, I was looking for human advice from someone who maybe keeps them ?

  • Hi Shona,

    I am new and I have a dove that comes to my garden every day to feed with the pigeons.  Its eyes are pink most days but a few times they are blue.  When the yare pink they have the male pigeons doing their mating dance round it but when they are blue and to my surprise it was doing the dance around a black and white pigeon.  I am now confused by this, but I must say it's so beautiful. Any comments please.

  • This reply was meant to go with the photo! I’m not very good at this! We have a gang of pure white, white and black, white and brown, white and grey, and every colour in between, visiting every day. They are beautiful! They’ve been coming for years now, and although I’ve read somewhere (US thread I think) that the hybrids are sterile, I don’t believe they are because they all mate with each other. They are such a joy and are a lovely welcome to every morning- and afternoon!