what types of food

just asking where you people buy your food from eg:rspb pet shops or online also what types of food do u buy and when u feed times of the year and last is it worth spending £79 on feeders and others things i need?


  • Wholesalers are a good place to go, go where you can see what you are buying. don't get food with too much corn in it, or better still no corn at all. if you start feeding birds you must keep it up, all year around. get a good seletion of food ie peanut, mix seed, nyjer and sunflower seeds ( black is the best ) if you are going to give birds bread try using brown, oh and some fat balls would be good.

    As for feeders some food need the own feedrs peanuts wire mesh kind, nyjer feeder can be a lot of money but if you can buy a good one it will last you a long time, the same goes with all feeders

    you don't have too buy it all in one day build it up slowly, may be one feeder a week, oh and get some bins to store it in, some thing mice proof with a tight lid.


    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • I generally shop at my local pet shop for wild bird seed and its got a good variety of other stuff and isn't too expensive.

    I also put out apples, pears, peanuts, sunflowers hearts, black sunflower seeds and homemade fat cakes (using aforesaid wild bird seed and melted lard).

    I would just build your feeders up slowly. I started with one seed feeder and one peanut feeder and went from there.


    Make me a coffee and put me in front of the kitchen window!

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 18/01/2010 02:09 in reply to Janet

    Hi Gardenbird,

    I also agree with Janet in the sense that if you buy good, strong, quality feeders they will last years providing you clean them well. I'd recommend that you buy squirrel proof feeders as I bought feeders before I got my squirrels & had to replace them when they were vandalised.

    I recommend you start off simple:

    1 feeder of sunflower hearts.

    1 small peanut feeder.

    1 bird table. Add 1 fat filled coconut hanging on this. 1 ceramic hamster dish for mealworms (dried if you prefer)

    1 small mesh ground tray.

    1 nyger feeder with tray.

    1 feeder with fine husk free seed mix. (Pets At Home do a good one). I mix in red millet & british finch mix with this available from good pet shops to thin it out & make it go further.

    Peanut granules & suet pellets are good for ground feeder. Economy sultanas aswell from supermarkets.

    B&M stores, £stretcher etc do cheap feeder pole station poles under £10 at the moment.

    I buy some food from Wilkinson Stores & some from Food4wildbirds online.

    Just buy in small stages if the cost is worrying, a little at a time is better than nothing at all and you will still be making a difference. Also ask for items as presents for Birthday & Christmas, I do this & would much prefer something useful that will last than the usual toiletries & chocolates. It soon sinks in with people.