hi, like loads of other people, I now have a fieldfare in my garden. He originally came with about 6 others, but seems to have lost his friends. However, unlike other people's mine is not bossy - the opposite actually - the little birds are bullying him :-( .
As suggested, I have put food away from the normal feeding area, close to where we have seen him a few times- is there anything else i can do? I feel so sorry for him; he looks so sad (anthropomorphising, i know!)
Have you put fruit out? Apples and pears in particular seem to be favoured!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
We first noticed a pair when it was not so cold but then one day when it was especially cold we must have had around ten pairs. With the first pair we noticed they seemed to only go for the apples among the assortment of nuts seeds bug cocktails and blocks of lard. My wife put out more apples out (we keep a stock for the birds in winter left over from the autumn) with the result that more Farefields came.
Conclusion, they definitely like apples.
And the only disputes we noticed was between the farefields. They have a stand off argument while taking off to a height of about 1 metre before coming back to the ground having decided who won the fruit.
hi, thanks all - he is coming back more regularly now and eating from the feeder. He is obviously feeling better as he saw off a blackbird yesterday (blackbird was back within minutes)! in case you are interested, here is a pic of him
fran X
Hello culintg, I had my first fieldfare this winter like many others, i found they like all fruits like bananas, plumbs, pears and apples. If you cut them up small it will atract other thrush type birds...hope this helps. We had our first redwing today, beautiful little bird, blackirds chasing him off though, i put some apples down so ill wait for him again.
If it aint broken, dont fix it !.... all good things come to those who wait !
I have just seen my first fieldfare . he too is on his own , he has not flown for an hour but he seems quite happy eating the apples i have put out .