Help please - Fieldfares flying off with food

The population of fieldfares in my garden has increased to 7 or 8, they are eating the same food as my resident population of blackbirds and thrushes, I get anywhere between 7 to 12 blackbirds and 2 thrushes most days.  The trouble is that, although  I put out 6 halved apples and 3 halved pears this morning at 9 am  before 12 it had all gone - the fieldfares are flying off with the halves but seem to promptly return empty handed (or should that be beaked)

I am concerned that my regulars are going hungry, they are out there now hunting round  for any scraps that are left, I am feeding sultanas/mixed dried fruit and the apples etc on the ground plus all the normal bird feeder stuff in high feeders, is there anything I can do?  It is lovely to see all  the fieldfares and the 2 redwings but I can't put out ad lib food, especially as I am concerned that they are not eating what I do put out and may just be dropping it somewhere for rats or anything else.

Some guidance would be much appreciated

Ringwood, Hampshire