would foxes be starting to pair up already? i was walking down a footpath between two fields on monday when three foxes appeared making lots of noiseand taking little or no notice if me as they we're more concerned with each other they kept darting back and forth in front or behind me it was an amazing expierience. it made my day!
I have had my local foxes scent marking in my garden over the last week, it stinks but it does make me smile to think of cubs playing soon.
I believe they do start to pair up at this time of year, yes.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Generally, the breeding season for foxes runs between late December – February in the UK. The females are receptive for only a few days and so during this time potential pairs sometimes travel and hunt together for a few weeks, perhaps to ensure the male(s) are successful in mating. Once a given male has mated, they often expand their range and wander broader distances in search of other vixens.
Hi Lloydscott, thanks for your message thats seems to me to be exactly the sort of behavior i saw.
LloydScott is correct - the peak of activity begins mid January to early Feb. This is when most males start moving around looking for other females. Mostly, it is just to the neighbouring territory. Listen out for the female screams and male "wo, wo, wo" bark that is common around this time.