hi there
This question cropped up tonight in my mind
We have a coconut and a Fat bird Cake, not to forget the fatballs
Does fat freeze in the icy weather at all? Is it able to cope with frost?
Love to hear your opinions?
Kathy and Dave
Hi Blackbird,
I have been bringing mine in at night because I found it froze and was too hard for the birds to peck. I was worried about them breaking their beaks! This was fat in coconuts and fat balls.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
My home made ones are doing better than the shop bought fatballs & Bill Oddie mealworm fatcake. The square kind to go in the cage aren't too great either. I put chopped brazil & pine nuts in y home-made ones & wonder if the nut oil is helping prevent it from freezing.