Tawny/Screech owls

Hi everyone

I wonder if you can help. I am lucky enough to have a tawny owl nesting in my owl box and my neighbour was saying that he has put up screech owl boxes. I am not familiar with screech owls and having looked on the RSPB site they only list Barn, Little, Long Eared and Tawny. Does anyone have any info on screech owls and if they are resident in the UK? My neighbour says they like decaying branches of trees which have hollowed out to nest in.

Thanks a lot

  • Thanks. I cant say it is Tawny Owls for 100 percent. but I think it’s likely. Exspeacially since you do have Tawny Owls calling. there are a few occasions where certain factors can affect a bird call sometimes. But Not allways. With the familiar call that Tawny Owls make. The twit a woo is actualy two tawny owls calling. Male and female. . Most people usually hear both twit and twoo. But sometimes it might just be or mainly be whoo which can be done quietly. There was one bit near the end in the recording that I thought  sounded like a gust of wind blowing. But there was a bird calling that sounded  like a dove that isn’t  aswell.   I think gust and bird call could of made it sound like the Screech owl But there might of also of been other factors at the time. But  theres all sorts of things not just gusts of wind that can affect how a bird call sounds aswell sometimes. Also Thanks for sending the recording  its very helpful and if you manage to get some even better recordings that will defanatly help Even more. . Thanks for sending the recording of the call.

    When and if you do manage to get a better recording you can also make a post and add the recording. Just press the button at the top right screen that has a X and then click on A category like identify this for example and click on the square that looks like a photo and click on the picture that looks like a photo. . Or on the wildlife question forum you just click X button or button that says new or add in the corner and then you can add a video or audio

  • The very distant call in the last couple of seconds sounds like a Tawny Owl to me


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I’m with Jimmb5470. I have heard a low trill during the night and it has been driving me mad. I thought it was a nightjar but it is softer and the caller seems to be interacting with other owls, all calling and responding. After trawling the internet, it sounds just like the mating call of the Eastern Screech owl - a low trill. I am in Suffolk so not far from Jimmy in Northants.