
I have just cleaned my garden. Will it attract more birds to the garden now it isn't so messy. I have made all the waste (E.G: Dead leaves) into a pile.


Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Hi Coal

    I hope you haven't made it too neat!  There are benefits to having a messy garden.  Your leaves for example make excellent foraging potential for insect eating birds and they also provide some protection to your flower beds and offer a place of sanctuary for small creatures, that like to hibernate.

    I'm not an expert on gardening by any means, but I do leave the leaves, unless they are strewn across the lawn, and I also avoid cutting out the dead foliage from my summer beds until the spring.   Admittedly it makes your garden look unkempt in the winter but as I said above does offer good protection and food source during the cold winter. 

    If you want to know no more why not check out the blogs which offer great ideas for your garden and how to protect your visitors during this time of year.

  • Hi Coal,

    Good advice from Kezmo, and a wonderful excuse not to do any gardening during the winter months!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan H said:

    Hi Coal,

    Good advice from Kezmo, and a wonderful excuse not to do any gardening during the winter months!

    Hi Sparrow, you saw right through me didn't ya!

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 29/12/2009 23:36 in reply to Kezmo

    Hi Coal

    I have to admit that our garden is not too tidy either {blush}

    We have a large 'Gum tree' that continually drops its bark and large 'hand' sized leaves so it is continual with the raking the lawn etc.

    As for the garden borders. we leave the leaves because the blackbirds love to seach through the leaf litter for worms, insects etc.... so I am sure that the other small birds will apprecaite the leaf litter for the same reason.

    We do not cut the dead folige. and tidy it up until the spring as it has it uses for overwintering wildlife.

    Not to forget the little Beasties.  Of course a Beastie log 'Hilton Hotel' is a good idea too so there is no disturbance at all

    We found a hibernating Red Admiral Butterfly under one of our plastic plant pots one day (out in the open on a cold day) and we moved it into our garden shed ( there are holes in the floor for it to escape too). Amazing what you find.

    As Kezmo has said there will be lots of information on the RSPB/blogs for wildlife Gardens.

    Sparrow: LOL


    Kathy and Dave

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 29/12/2009 23:52

    I had to have a tidy up a while ago Coal as the lawn had a foot deep of Ash leaves on it, I kept a pile in the corner of the garden by the log pile though. My Robins thoroughly enjoyed nipping down to get the bugs / worms everytime I went trudging off to the wheelie bin with another load of leaves. So there are some good bonuses to getting leaves up, it makes easy work for the birds.