water for the birds

I've read on the RSPB site to leave out water for the birds! I have a bird bath which is constantly filled during the year, but at this time of the year it is frozen. Can someone tell me how to put out water without it freezing over within a short time.


Time changes the body, but not how you think you look.

  • Hi Aileen welcome to the forum.


    I suggest placing a ping pong ball, tennis ball or cork in unfrozen water. Movement of these items in the wind keeps the water agitated, making it less likely to freeze.

    This is just one of numerous ways to stop water freezing.

    The link below will give you some more advice.


    Regards Buzzard

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Aileen,

    Last year I bought a little water heater for my family who have a small menagerie of rescued poultry.  It's a flat circular pad that sits under the water dish, with a long wire that you have to plug in somewhere (theirs is stuck under the garage door).  It heats the water just enough to keep the ice off, and worked right through the 3 months their pond was frozen over.  They were really singing its praises last week when the snow started.  The wild birds really appreciate it as well as the chickens, peafowl and goose!  I paid about £15 but it has certainly been worth it, unfortunately I've just had a search online and can't find any as cheap as that now, so I'll have a look through my records later and see if I can find out who I bought it from.  I think you can get heated dog bowls, which I imagine would do a similar job. 

    I bet there are some cheaper and less high-tech solutions out there that will help - any other ideas, anyone?


  • Some very good technological fixes there LB.

    Don't know how well this would work but what about a well-shielded nightlight burning under a shallow tin or terracotta dish propped up on bricks or similar supports? That might keep a small amount water from freezing - or at least, not freezing as quickly.

    Otherwise it would be a case of having some sort of pump or fountain if you've got a pond big enough. For a small bird bath or dish, though, I can't really see much alternative to frequent turning out of the ice block and replacement with fresh water!

    Can I just state the obvious, put my nanny-state hat on and add (though I'm quite sure no-one on this forum would try this anyway!) that adding anti-freeze would definitely NOT be good idea...

    Maybe there's a gap in the market here - any clever inventors out there want to get on Dragon's Den? Given the number of people that feed birds in the UK the market must be huge!

  • Thanks to everyone for your quick replies, we do have a pump for our smalll pond which has fish and I might  add frogs too in the summer, but it is freezing over and we have been pouring hot water on the edge of the  pond to try and help our little fish, We lost most of our fish last year which we had had for quite a few years, The winter last year was really bad!  Might try the balls on that!!

    As for the birds I thought it a good idea about the candle and  I might have a go at that. I will also look at the rest of the options.

    Yes! someone could make quite a bit of money coming up with an idea for that!!

    Merry Chistmas to you all!

    Time changes the body, but not how you think you look.

  • Hi Aileen, and welcome to the forum from me.

    It is a problem I haven't managed to solve. I mentioned on another thread that the other morning I poured boiling water from the kettle on one of my bird baths for a quick de-frost. Within minutes the starlings were down and bathing noisily in the hot water! It was like a jacussi for them!!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 24/12/2009 00:30

    Hi Aileen,

    My water has to be defrosted frequently throughout the day at the moment, I am going to look for one of those water pad things, maybe they will be in a sale somewhere.

    Sparrow can I ask you if it can be worse for the birds to have hot water put out. I have been doing it aswell but my partner has been arguing that the birds feel worse when they have cooled down as they can't regulate temperature. In other words they feel the cold more than if I'd have put cold water out.

  • Hi Birdmum,

    I have no idea if it is a bad thing for the birds to have hot water. It wasn't really my intention to give them hot water. I just thought it was the best way for a quick de-ice and that it would cool down pretty quickly. I never expected the birds to make use of the hot water!!

    Maybe one of our more scientific forum members has an answer to your question?

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 24/12/2009 00:54

    Ok thanks Sparrow,

    My birds seem to enjoy it too so I guess until someone from the RSPB team says it is bad I will carry on doing it. I have heard of people using de-icer and salt to prevent freezing which is tragic. But I have never heard of hot water being dangerous.

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 25/12/2009 01:36

    I have thoroughly enjoyed watching blackbirds and starlings splashing in the hot water today. I am going to get my moody man to see this when he comes round. Maybe he will change his mind and seeing is believing.


  • I recently used an additive from a bird food suppliers catalogue, it was totally organic, and safe for all animals, quite expensive given the amounts of concentrate needed  per litre.

    It was also rubbish as the water froze stiff as normal.


    Ive been replacing the water every morning and have several big dishes pushed into the base of my privet hedge, tends not to freeze quite so quickly there.

    Will look for a heated dog bowl/pad as well.!