Having recently been woken by a Motezumas Oropendula, which sounded amazing, I started wondering about what worldwide not just British calls/songs other birdlovers would like to be woken by. Any preferences out there?
I have just found this thread, two minutes after submitting a post on another thread about bird song. I have some sort of malfunction when it comes to music and song. I am tone deaf, and by that I mean that although I can tell the difference between notes, I can't distinguish whether they are going up or down. This means I can't distinguish between different bird songs and calls. I can pick out the obvious ones likes cuckoos, pigeons, some gulls and jackdaws, and strangely enough I can pick out the summer song of the blackbird. But that is it. I am the same with music. There has to be at least a full octave between consecutive notes before I can say which is the higher.
However, that doesn't mean to say I don't thoroughly enjoy listening to the chattering and twittering coming from the trees, even if I don't know what they are singing!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
I find that certain bird songs especially first thing in the morning evoke memories of places - green woodpecker for home, nightingale for Lesvos, Golden Oriole for teenage birding trips sleeping in a car someplace in Norfolk :))
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