Hi to everyone
I am a newby on the forum and joined because I have a bit of a taxing problem and wondered whether anyone else had had the same experience?
I have a Robin in the garden behaving extremely oddly for the last week or so.He sits on a branch outside my bedroom window and sings his heart out (Very sweet),then he taps on the glass and repeatedly flies up and down it or he'll sit on the open small window and peer in at me.All very lovely but the big problem is he seems to think the whole garden belongs to him!
I have a large bird feeding station which I built to hold four large feeders and also have a bird table a few feet away.Usually the birds flock to have their fill from each station but now they are not allowed anywhere near either the table or the feeding station as the Robin constantly bombs any bird landing on or near it.He flies and warns them off vocally and does'nt take no for an answer!He'll sit on the top of the bird table not to eat,just to guard all the food.
I love all birds but I'm so upset by this behaviour as it's now that I have a group of long tailed tits waiting to feed ,as well as Great tits,blue tits,nuthatches chaffinches etc etc.It's so frustrating.
Can anyone suggest a remedy?If I put another station further away the Robin will only widen his patrol area as my bedroom window is quite a way from the bird feeders and he divebombs the birds arriving from it!
I did wonder whether the mild weather has kickstarted his mating instinct and he's advertising his masculinity so there's not much I can do but i so miss my other birdies!
Love and care for nature
Interesting point about blackbirds there, Trochilus, as we have a pyracantha in the front garden and as soon as the berries appear Mr Blackbird marque 1 (I have 2 pairs) takes up residence and stays in it all day every day. Odd really as no other birds are interested in it anyway - they are all too busy out back at the feeders!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Thanks Trochilus,you make some good points and the more I observe the more logical it is becoming,although there are still a few strange little twists to the saga!
I will try the cling film trick to see if that deters him at all but he does seem to like just sitting on the small open window and peering in ,it's quite sweet really...just not at the crack of dawn!
The scattering of the feeders has helped a little, as you say he can't quite get round to all of them before the other birds have managed to grab a beakful and scoot off quick!Oddly, yesterday, I stood in the garden and just watched quietly , he sat quite close singing away happily at me,and ignored the other birds completely,even a gorgeous Yellow Wagtail got a look in.When I eventually came in and peeped out of the window he was off on his chasing game again!I did notice that his territory has now extended to the gardens either side of me too.
I think I might start making a journal of all his antics and I'll find a few more spots to put food.
Thanks to all for their comments.
Hi Nuthatch
Belated welcome from me.
Please do keep us informed about your robin - I for one am completely enthralled with your robin saga. These are one of my favourite garden visitor but mine have never done anything like this.
Hi All,
I'm happy to report that my little minxy Robin has calmed down now and has deigned to allow the other birds uninterrupted feeding.He's (maybe a she!) still keeping guard over the garden and occasionally will ward off other visitors but really I think just a token gesture to remind them whose garden it is......!
He's also stopped his early morning tapping alarm call on my window so he must have got over his little big man act for now.Actually (don't tell him this) I quite miss having him sat there peering in at me......Fickle us humans!
It's lovely to see all the other birds again and thanks again to everyone who suggested various things.Moving the feeders most definetly helped and I've decided to get more to put around the garden!
Love this site....so interesting to read other Birdie tales.
Great news Nuthatch! Thanks for the update! Enjoy your birds! Think I would miss him tapping my window too! ;-)
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Good to hear your news Nuthatch. I'm really pleased for you. All birds, individually, are lovely and real characters but a variety is the tops, in my opinion.
Thanks Nuthatch, I have been thinking of you and how things were progressing with your robin.
Don't just keep reading, join in more and write. Would love to hear more from you.
Really good news, glad he has settled down and now the other birds get a chance.
Lovely story.