Shropshire - large starling roosts!

Following on from Richard's question about large starling roosts around Beds/Cambridgeshire, does anyone know of any in Shropshire (or surrounding areas) please? Would love to see one of these spectacles for myself!


"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

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  • Given your location by far and away the best starling roost that i know of (in the country) occurs around our Ham wall reserve in Sommerset, maybe 2/3 hours drive from Shropshire. Truly worth the effort!

    Starling roost builds up from October, with peak numbers that can number millions in January and February. Roost will be either in Ham Wall (RSPB), Shapwick Heath (Natural England) or Westhay Moor (Somerset Wildlife Trust). Can be very difficult to predict where the roost will be any one night, but birds tend to settle on one site for several weeks berfore moving onto the next.

    Starling information hotline 07866 554142 operates from end of October onwards.

    Does anybody know of any others neaer to Shropshire?


  • Marjus dont go without me!!   I would love to see something like that  have watched them on tv in total awe - the neares thing I ever witnessed was the Redwings every year gathering to migrate and they used the woods at the back of where we lived in Welshpool and each day the roost got bigger and the chattering got louder but of course no fantastic flying displays.

  • Thanks Lloyd, it is an option but  abit far really! I was hoping for somewhere I could 'pop' to one evening! Lol!! However, if nothing turns up I might make a trip there!

    Lucy, I'll keep you informed! :-)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr