goldfinch disease

Sadly more green finches and chafinches in our garden have died of Trichomonosis,  today i noticed a very pooly gold finch showing the same symptoms.  Has anyone seen gold finches with this dreadful problem?

Is there any medication additive to put in feed that will help?

  • Unfortunately it isn't possible to treat wild birds, are you feeding the birds in your garden?  If so the best thing to do is to stop feeding for a couple of months if not I'm afraid there isn't really anything you can do.

  • Yes Goldfinches are susceptible to this awful disease.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Sadly ALL birds can pick up this complaint. No effective treatment can be administered to birds in the wild, because it is impossible to ensure that the infected individuals receive an adequate dose and that healthy birds do not pick up the medicine.

    If trichomonosis is suspected, it is recommended to temporarily stop putting out food, and leave bird baths dry until sick or dead birds are no longer found in the garden. This is to discourage birds from congregating together, which may increase the potential for the disease to spread between individuals.


  • Poor wee things, I'm making sure my feeders are scrubbed as I just saw my first goldfinch of this winter on my feeder although not on the nyger seed it was on my seed feeder. It also looked very relaxed and a bit fluffy, is this possibly a youngster?

  • Not a nice thing to have to do Alan, I salute you.

    Had a sick goldie on the feeder yesterday, so I'm on the alert now.

    I thought this disease would be on the wane by now for this year.



  • I think the same goldfinch was back today, I was working on my pond and turned round and there it was no more than 2 metres away, I even managed to go into the house, get my phone and come back out and take a photo from the same distance, that's a bit worrying as most birds would scarper.

  • We too have had now 6 dead Goldfinches and Greenfinches in our garden near Henley on Thames. We have cleaned and sterilised all the bird feeders and associated equipment and the water bowls and bird bath, but still today I have found another dead Greenfinch and 1 dead Goldfinch.

    Any thoughts and further advice on what, if anything we could do would be most welcome.
  • This is quite an old thread - the current recommendations are to remove all food sources for at least 3 weeks - if you are dealing with a Trich. outbreak and also to remove water - it's hard but it means the birds that are fit and able will disperse away to find food and not all congregate in a high density in a small area. Its also suggested that you rake and disturb the soil with a rake around where feeders hang.

    IF you think your birds are victims of avian flu then there are different things to do as well as removing food and water
    "The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) carries out year-round avian influenza surveillance of dead wild birds submitted via public reports and warden patrols.

    You should call the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77) if you find:

    one or more dead bird of prey or owl
    3 or more dead gulls or wild waterfowl (swans, geese and ducks)
    5 or more dead birds of any species
    APHA then collect some of these birds and test them to help us understand how the disease is distributed geographically and in different types of bird, not all birds will be collected.

    Do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find. For further information see our advice to the public.

    For further details see the report (updated weekly) of findings of HPAI in wild birds in Great Britain and our outbreak assessments.

    Sick or injured wild birds should not be reported to the Defra Helpline. Instead Sick birds should be reported in England and Wales to the RSPCA (0300 1234 999) and in Scotland to the SSPCA (0300 999 999) who dependent on the situation may be able to offer assistance."

    Cin J