Great Tits

Can anyone tell me why we have a psychic great tit who spends ages pecking at his reflection in mirrors in the garden and in my next door neighbours wing mirror on her car?  This has only happened in the last few days although great tits are always about in the garden.

  • Hi - I can't explain it but my neighbour had a chaffinch do the same to his living room window for several weeks last year and a few years ago we had a Blackbird do this to a mirror in our garden but on both occassions  it was the breeding season so we assumed they were fending off an intruder but its rather late in the season for mating!

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 30/09/2009 22:49 in reply to lucybob

    I have only seen Robins do this.This one Roblin we had used to have a fight with the car mirror and, did it give its reflection some welly. {eek}

    Robins are very determined to own all of the feeders also, and make it clear to other birds that their presence is not wanted at all.

    They are little fighting machines.


    Kathy and Dave

  • The birds had obviously caught sight of themselves at some point and everytime they return to the given area... Lo and behold the other bird (its refelction) is still there! Annoyed by this unfamiliar presence they will try and try to move them on.. which can take sometime seen as it's there own reflection!

    This subject is also covered in the advice pages on the main website here 
